@Query shortestPath return type in Spring Data Neo4j

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-07 14:42:08


What's the return Type of the following query and how do I use it? I tried several things like Path, Iterable<Path>, and others but I always hit some sort of exceptions. It seems to be a LinkedHashMap but are there any other handier object types that I can use?

@Query( "START u1=node:User(key= {0}), u2=node:User(key = {1}) " +
        "MATCH p = shortestPath(u1-[*]-u2) " +
        "RETURN p")
public ??? findShortestPath(String u1, String u2);

Am I missing any dependencies? This is the only one that I'm using:



The return type is EndResult<EntityPath<S, E>, where S is the start node of the path, and E the end type.

