Simulate a path-dependent type in Haskell

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-07 13:54:33


Here is a simplified example of what I want to do. Let's say you have a HList of pairs:

let hlist = HCons (1, "1") (HCons ("0", 2) (HCons ("0", 1.5) HNil))

Now I want to write a function replaceAll which will replace all the "keys" of a given type with the first "value" of the same type. For example, with the HList above I would like to replace all the String keys with "1" which is the first value of type String found in the HList

 replaceAll @String hlist =
    HCons (1, "1") (HCons ("1", 2) (HCons ("1", 1.5) HNil))

This seems to require path-dependent types in order to "extract" the type of the first pair and being able to use it to direct the replacement of keys in a second step but I don't know how to encode this in Haskell.


A bug breaks this in current GHCs. Once the fix is merged in, this should work fine. In the meantime, the other answer can tide you over.

First, define

data Elem :: k -> [k] -> Type where
  Here :: Elem x (x : xs)
  There :: Elem x xs -> Elem x (y : xs)

An Elem x xs tells you where to find an x in an xs. Also, here's an existential wrapper:

data EntryOfVal v kvs = forall k. EntryOfVal (Elem (k, v) kvs)
-- to be clear, this is the type constructor (,) :: Type -> Type -> Type
type family EntryOfValKey (eov :: EntryOfVal v kvs) :: Type where
  EntryOfValKey ('EntryOfVal (_ :: Elem (k, v) kvs)) = k
type family GetEntryOfVal (eov :: EntryOfVal v kvs) :: Elem (EntryOfValKey eov, v) kvs where
  GetEntryOfVal ('EntryOfVal e) = e

If you have an Elem at the type level, you may materialize it

class MElem (e :: Elem (x :: k) xs) where
  mElem :: Elem x xs
instance MElem Here where
  mElem = Here
instance MElem e => MElem (There e) where
  mElem = There (mElem @_ @_ @_ @e)

Similarly, you may materialize an EntryOfVal

type MEntryOfVal eov = MElem (GetEntryOfVal eov) -- can be a proper constraint synonym
mEntryOfVal :: forall v kvs (eov :: EntryOfVal v kvs).
               MEntryOfVal eov =>
               EntryOfVal v kvs
mEntryOfVal = EntryOfVal (mElem @_ @_ @_ @(GetEntryOfVal eov))

If a type is an element of a list of types, then you may extract a value of that type from an HList of that list of types:

indexH :: Elem t ts -> HList ts -> t
indexH Here (HCons x _) = x
indexH (There i) (HCons _ xs) = indexH i xs

(I feel the need to point out how fundamentally important indexH is to HList. For one, HList ts is isomorphic to its indexer forall t. Elem t ts -> t. Also, indexH has a dual, injS :: Elem t ts -> t -> Sum ts for suitable Sum.)

Meanwhile, up on the type level, this function can give you the first possible EntryOfVal given a value type and a list:

type family FirstEntryOfVal (v :: Type) (kvs :: [Type]) :: EntryOfVal v kvs where
  FirstEntryOfVal v ((k, v) : _) = 'EntryOfVal Here
  FirstEntryOfVal v (_ : kvs) = 'EntryOfVal (There (GetEntryOfVal (FirstEntryOfVal v kvs)))

The reason for separating the materialization classes from FirstEntryOfVal is because the classes are reusable. You can easily write new type families that return Elems or EntryOfVals and materialize them. Merging them together into one monolithic class is messy, and now you have to rewrite the "logic" (not that there is much) of MElem every time instead of reusing it. My approach does, however, give a higher up-front cost. However, the code required is entirely mechanical, so it is conceivable that a TH library could write it for you. I don't know a library that can handle this, but singletons plans to.

Now, this function can get you a value given a EntryOfVal proof:

indexHVal :: forall v kvs. EntryOfVal v kvs -> HList kvs -> v
indexHVal (EntryOfVal e) = snd . indexH e

And now GHC can do some thinking for you:

indexHFirstVal :: forall v kvs. MEntryOfVal (FirstEntryOfVal v kvs) =>
                  HList kvs -> v
indexHFirstVal = indexHVal (mEntryOfVal @_ @_ @(FirstEntryOfVal v kvs))

Once you have the value, you need to find the keys. For efficiency (O(n) vs. O(n^2), I think) reasons and for my sanity, we won't make a mirror of EntryOfVal, but use a slightly different type. I'll just give the boilerplate without explanation, now

-- for maximal reuse:
-- data All :: (k -> Type) -> [k] -> Type
-- where an All f xs contains an f x for every x in xs
-- plus a suitable data type to recover EntriesOfKey from All
-- not done here mostly because All f xs's materialization
-- depends on f's, so we'd need more machinery to generically
-- do that
-- in an environment where the infrastructure already exists
-- (e.g. in singletons, where our materializers decompose as a
-- composition of SingI materialization and SingKind demotion)
-- using All would be feasible
data EntriesOfKey :: Type -> [Type] -> Type where
  Nowhere :: EntriesOfKey k '[]
  HereAndThere :: EntriesOfKey k kvs -> EntriesOfKey k ((k, v) : kvs)
  JustThere :: EntriesOfKey k kvs -> EntriesOfKey k (kv : kvs)
class MEntriesOfKey (esk :: EntriesOfKey k kvs) where
  mEntriesOfKey :: EntriesOfKey k kvs
instance MEntriesOfKey Nowhere where
  mEntriesOfKey = Nowhere
instance MEntriesOfKey e => MEntriesOfKey (HereAndThere e) where
  mEntriesOfKey = HereAndThere (mEntriesOfKey @_ @_ @e)
instance MEntriesOfKey e => MEntriesOfKey (JustThere e) where
  mEntriesOfKey = JustThere (mEntriesOfKey @_ @_ @e)

The logic:

type family AllEntriesOfKey (k :: Type) (kvs :: [Type]) :: EntriesOfKey k kvs where
  AllEntriesOfKey _ '[] = Nowhere
  AllEntriesOfKey k ((k, _) : kvs) = HereAndThere (AllEntriesOfKey k kvs)
  AllEntriesOfKey k (_ : kvs) = JustThere (AllEntriesOfKey k kvs)

The actual value manipulation

updateHKeys :: EntriesOfKey k kvs -> (k -> k) -> HList kvs -> HList kvs
updateHKeys Nowhere f HNil = HNil
updateHKeys (HereAndThere is) f (HCons (k, v) kvs) = HCons (f k, v) (updateHKeys is f kvs)
updateHKeys (JustThere is) f (HCons kv kvs) = HCons kv (updateHKeys is f kvs)

Get GHC to think some more

updateHAllKeys :: forall k kvs. MEntriesOfKey (AllEntriesOfKey k kvs) =>
                  (k -> k) -> HList kvs -> HList kvs
updateHAllKeys = updateHKeys (mEntriesOfKey @_ @_ @(AllEntriesOfKey k kvs))

All together now:

replaceAll :: forall t kvs.
              (MEntryOfVal (FirstEntryOfVal t kvs), MEntriesOfKey (AllEntriesOfKey t kvs)) =>
              HList kvs -> HList kvs
replaceAll xs = updateHAllKeys (const $ indexHFirstVal @t xs) xs


This is a proof search problem ("find occurrences of String in this list"), so you can expect that the solution will involve type class Prolog. I'll answer a simpler version of your question (namely "find the first occurrence of String") and let you figure out how to adjust it for your exact use case.

Since we're doing a proof search, let's start by writing down the proof object we'll be searching for.

data Contains a as where
    Here :: Contains a (a ': as)
    There :: Contains a as -> Contains a (b ': as)

A value of type Contains a as is a constructive proof that you can find a in the type-level list as. Structurally, Contains is like a natural number (compare There (There Here) with S (S Z)) identifying the location of a in the list as. To prove that a is in as you give its index.

For example, you can replace an element at a given location in an HList with a new element of the same type.

replace :: a -> Contains a as -> HList as -> HList as
replace x Here (HCons y ys) = HCons x ys
replace x (There i) (HCons y ys) = HCons y (replace x i ys)

We want to search for an a within a given list using type class Prolog. There are two cases - either you find the a at the head of the list, or it's somewhere in the tail. (If a is not in as, using contains will fail with a "no instance" error.) Ideally we'd write something like this:

class CONTAINS a as where
    contains :: Contains a as

instance CONTAINS a (a ': as) where
    contains = Here

instance CONTAINS a as => CONTAINS a (b ': as) where
    contains = There contains  -- recursively call `contains` on the sublist

but this fails the overlapping instance rule. Instance contexts and type equalities are not inspected during instance search - the elaborator doesn't backtrack - so neither of these instances is more specific than the other.

Fortunately there's a well-known solution to this problem. It involves using a closed type family to tell a and b apart. You define an auxiliary class CONTAINS' with an extra parameter, in this case a Bool telling you whether a can be found at the head of as.

class CONTAINS' (eq :: Bool) a (as :: [*]) where
    contains' :: Contains a as

Then you define instances for the cases when eq is True or False. The elaborator can tell these instances apart, because True and False are visibly different. Note that the step case recursively calls CONTAINS.

instance CONTAINS' True a (a ': as) where
    contains' = Here

instance CONTAINS a as => CONTAINS' False a (b ': as) where
    contains' = There contains

Finally you define your CONTAINS instance in terms of CONTAINS', and use the result of ==, a closed type family which tests whether its arguments are equal, to pick an instance.

instance CONTAINS' (a == b) a (b ': as) => CONTAINS a (b ': as) where
    contains = contains' @(a == b)

(This is one of the very few acceptable uses of Boolean type families.)

Now you can use CONTAINS as you would any other class. When you try and instantiate a and as GHC will attempt to search for an a inside as, and the contains method will return its index.

example :: Contains Int '[Bool, Int, Char]
example = contains

-- "no instance for CONTAINS"
failingExample :: Contains String '[Bool, Int, Char]
failingExample = contains

This is a fairly simple example and the code is already quite messy. You can definitely approach the example in your question in the same manner, but all told I'm not convinced that static checking is worth the complexity in this instance. Have you considered an implementation based on Typeable?

