Applescript to open an application in full-screen mode?

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-07 11:05:13


I'm trying to program Alfred to open my Terminal, Sublime Text, and Chrome with a workflow.

I would like for my terminal to open normally as a window, but I've been trying to get Chrome and Sublime to open full screen.

I was able to get Chrome to open up in full screen mode with:

on alfred_script(q)
   tell application "Google Chrome"
        tell window 1 to enter presentation mode
   end tell
end alfred_script

However, this did not translate to work with my Sublime Text.

What am I missing here?


As found here (i need an applescript to open safari in full screen an to hide the toolbar on mavericks)

tell application "Safari"


    delay 3

    tell application "System Events" to tell process "Safari"

        set value of attribute "AXFullScreen" of window 1 to true

    end tell

end tell


Another way to do this assuming you have not changed the default keyboard shortcut for "Enter Full Screen" is simply to have System Events invoke that shortcut (⌃⌘F). As with the other approach I've seen to doing this (changing the value of AXFullScreen—see mklement0's answer here for a thorough discussion of this method), this requires making the relevant window active.

For instance, to toggle the full-screen state of the frontmost window in Safari, run:

tell application "Safari" to activate
tell application "System Events"
        keystroke "f" using {command down, control down}
end tell

