Looking for an open source Traveling Salesman function / library in c / c++? [closed]

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-07 03:12:28


I know there are a few different Traveling Salesman projects out there and I've played with LKH a bit, but I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on any other ones?

My project is GPL'ed so I would need something that is compatible with that license.


In general, Space Filling Fractals will give you some of the best results at the lowest costs.

In particular, I would recommend the Sierpiński curve.

Here is a sample implementation that uses it:

(defvar *grid-width* 100000)
(defvar *grid-heigth* 100000)
(defvar *max-number-of-points* 1000)
(defvar *search-area-width* (* 2 *grid-width*))
(defvar *search-area-heigth* (* 2 *grid-heigth*))

(defun make-random-point (max-x max-y)
    "makes a point in a random position of the grid"
        (/ (random (* max-x 1000)) 1000)
        (/ (random (* max-y 1000)) 1000)))

(defun make-random-point-list (max-len)
    "makes a list of random points up to max-len length"
     (let   ((value ()))    ; Make a set of random points
         (dotimes (n (random max-len) value)
            (setq value
                (cons (make-random-point *grid-width* *grid-heigth*) value)))))

(defun get-printable-point-position (point)
    "Gets a rounded-off point that can be used to make a dot on a visual grid"
        (round (realpart point))
        (round (imagpart point))))

(defun euclid (point-a point-b)
    "calculates the euclidean distance in between two points"
    (let*   ((p (- point-a point-b)))
            (+  (expt (realpart p) 2)
                (expt (imagpart p) 2)))))

(defstruct triangle
    "A triangle consists of 3 points.
    Complex numbers are used to construct the points,
    the real part signifying the X axis,
    and the imaginary part signifying the Y axis."
    a b c)

(defun avg (&rest numbers)
    "Gets the average of the numbers provided"
        (null numbers)
        1   ; prevents divide by 0
        (/ (apply #'+ numbers) (length numbers)))) ;/

(defun get-triangle-centre (triangle)
    "Gets the centre of a triangle"
    (avg (triangle-a triangle)
         (triangle-b triangle)
         (triangle-c triangle)))

(defstruct (triangle-list
        (:include triangle))

(defun triangle-split (triangle)
    "Splits a triangle in two according to the rule:
    { a0->c1; b0->a1,c2; c0->a2; avg(c0,a0)->b1,b2 }"
    (let*  ((old-a-point (triangle-a triangle))
            (old-b-point (triangle-b triangle))
            (old-c-point (triangle-c triangle))
            (new-b-point (avg old-a-point old-c-point)))
            (make-triangle-list :a old-b-point :b new-b-point :c old-a-point)
            (make-triangle-list :a old-c-point :b new-b-point :c old-b-point))))

(defun triangle-list-split (triangle-list)
    "Split a triangle list and acomodate all the points in their right places"
    (let*  ((triangles  (triangle-split triangle-list))
            (triangle-a (car triangles))
            (triangle-b (cadr triangles))
            (centre-a   (get-triangle-centre triangle-a))
            (centre-b   (get-triangle-centre triangle-b)))
        (dolist (point (triangle-list-point-list triangle-list))
            (if (< (euclid point centre-a) (euclid point centre-b))
                (setf (triangle-list-point-list triangle-a)
                    (cons point (triangle-list-point-list triangle-a)))
                (setf (triangle-list-point-list triangle-b)
                    (cons point (triangle-list-point-list triangle-b)))))
        (let   ((list-a (triangle-list-point-list triangle-a))
                (list-b (triangle-list-point-list triangle-b)))
            (if (= 1 (length list-a))
                (setf (triangle-list-point-list triangle-a) (car list-a)))
            (if (= 1 (length list-b))
                (setf (triangle-list-point-list triangle-b) (car list-b))))
        (list triangle-a triangle-b)))

(defun print-point (out point &rest args)
    "Utility function - Pretty-prints a point"
    (format out "(X:~F, Y:~F)"
        (realpart point)
        (imagpart point))

(defun pprint-triangle-list (out triangle-list &rest args)
    "Utility function - Pretty-prints a triangle-list object"
    (format out "   TRIANGLE{
        POINTS:{~{~/print-point/~^,~%                ~}}~&    }"
        (triangle-a triangle-list)
        (triangle-b triangle-list)
        (triangle-c triangle-list)
        (get-triangle-centre triangle-list)
        (let   ((points (triangle-list-point-list triangle-list)))
                ((null points)  ())
                ((listp points) points)
                (t (list points)))))

(defun print-list-of-triangle-list (lst)
    "Pretty-prints a list of triangle-list objects"
    (format t "(~{~/pprint-triangle-list/~^,~% ~}~&)" lst))

(defun explode (lst)
    "explodes a triangle-list list and gets all
    the points in the order they should be"
    (let ((l (flatten lst)))
            ((null l) ())
            ((triangle-list-p l) (explode (triangle-list-split l)))
            ((null (triangle-list-point-list (car l)))
                (explode (cdr l)))
            ((atom (triangle-list-point-list (car l)))
                (cons (car l) (explode (cdr l))))
            (t  (explode (append (triangle-list-split (car l)) (cdr l)))))))

(defun flatten (lst)
    "Flattens a list (removes nesting and nulls)"
        ((atom lst) lst)
        ((listp (car lst))
            (append (flatten (car lst)) (flatten (cdr lst))))
        (t  (append (list (car lst)) (flatten (cdr lst))))))

(let   ((triangle (make-triangle-list
                :a          (complex 0 *search-area-heigth*)
                :b          0
                :c          *search-area-width*
                :point-list (make-random-point-list *max-number-of-points*))))
    (print-list-of-triangle-list (explode triangle)))

I also had a version using a GA (that one in C), but it lives in a dead hard drive.


This one looks good.

I know it is not a great answer, but if you are open to changing technology then scipy has a bunch of optimisation algorithms which are very good


There's one here that solves TSP exactly, but it's in PASCAL. In the current form the distances are integers, though. Shouldn't be hard too rewrite in C++.

