Alfresco migrating server

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-06 20:54:30

I've found the solution!

After copying alf_data to Server 2, I need to delete the SOLR index data and start with SOLR rebuilding the index.

Everytime when I'm doing migration, I made this:

  • pgDump & restore
  • copy contentStore & contentStore.deleted
  • full re-index

While I'm talking about postgres- there are 2 ways how to dump and restore.

compress dump:

pg_dump -Fc -U <DBUSER> <DBSCHEMA> > <fileName>.sql.Fc
pg_restore -U <DBUSER> -d <DBSCHEMA> <fileName>.sql.Fc

plain txt/sql:

pg_dump dbname > outfile
psql dbname < infile

For copy files no comment need :o)

And for re-index SOLR- that works
