Enable PyROOT Ubuntu 14.04

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-06 15:44:57


I downloaded madpgraph5, but when I run it I get the following error:

 ERROR: ROOT file called 'ROOT.py' or 'ROOT.pyc' is not found
 ERROR: Please check that ROOT is properly installed.

When I try locate ROOT.py and locate ROOT.pyc, I get nothing.

I have root 5.34 installed and it runs smoothly. I also have python 2.7.6 installed.

I downloaded rootpy, but have no idea how to include and enable PyROOT. I searched and I think I have to edit something to do with the path in bashrc, but before I do it I need to be sure of what I am doing.

Can anyone help?


You have probably figured out how to use it already, so just in case someone else stumbles over this question.

First make sure you built ROOT with Python support, root-config --features should list python.

There are a few possibilities how to successfully use import ROOT in Python:

  1. Add export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$ROOTSYS/lib to your .bashrc where $ROOTSYS is the path to your ROOT installation.
  2. The first way is the easiest, but in case you want to do something like sudo pip install rootpy, your local $PYTHONPATH isn't used. Another way is to copy the files ROOT.py and libPyROOT.so from path_to_root_installation/lib to /usr/lib/pythonX (replace X with your Python version).
  3. Similar to the method above. But in case you recompile ROOT or change something else, a symbolic link might be better: sudo ln -s /path_to_root/lib/ROOT.py /usr/lib/pythonX/ROOT.py and for libPyROOT.so as well.


You should install libroot-bindings-python-dev -- it solves the issue.

