How can I see if the GoLand debugger is running in the program?

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-06 15:42:12
Martin Tournoij

As far as I know, there is no built-in way to do this in the manner you described. But you can do more or less the same using build tags to indicate that the delve debugger is running. You can pass build tags to dlv with the --build-flags argument. This is basically the same technique as I described in How can I check if the race detector is enabled at runtime?


// +build delve

package isdelve

const Enabled = true


// +build !delve

package isdelve

const Enabled = false


package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println("delve", isdelve.Enabled)

In Goland, you can enable this under 'Run/Debug Configurations', by adding the following into 'Go tool arguments:'


If you are outside of Goland, running go run a.go will report delve false, if you want to run dlv on its own, use dlv debug --build-flags='-tags=delve' a.go; this will report delve true.

Alternatively, you can use delve's set command to manually set a variable after starting the debugger.
