sql query using redbeans php

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-06 15:26:55

Could it be that your syntax is not correct? I have no experience with Redbean, but you might want to do something like this:

$users = R::find('users', 'id > ?', array('2'));

Either way, what is your result when you do the following? Does it return all your users or just one?

$users = R::find('users');

Seems that it was a problem with the id field. Solved it using tableformatter option.

You have to use "findAll" on the query. So for example:

$thebean = R::findAll('users', 'id > 2' array('id' => 2));

then you can do your standard foreach:

foreach ($thebean as $key => $bean) {

 echo $bean->username;


Could be a problem on the type of field? Are you tried with: $thebean=R::find("users","id>'2'"); ?
