In app purchase for removing Admob in Android

孤人 提交于 2019-12-06 14:37:51

ok, I am going to implement the same thing and planning it as @reverse has told but wanted to confirm how other developers are thinking. However, his answer is complete in itself, I am just giving the steps:

  1. You already have AdMob implemented.
  2. Go to playstore developer account and in your app, Add an in-app purchase item. let's say: "No Ads", name doesn't matter here, an ID would matter.
  3. Use the IAB helper file provided by google and follow the steps how to use it. Refer to this link:
  4. Provide a link to pay for "No ads" in-app element by the user.
  5. On application startup check, by using the above class check whether user has already paid/purchased the in-app element, mark the flag to true. For consistency and unrepeated check, keep this variable in shared preference as null.
  6. Null means, You have to check with google play for purchase by the user.
  7. If purchased, mark it true else false.
  8. if this flag is true: do not show ads.

So the simplest answer would be that you don't run the following line if the user has the In-App purchase and/or hide the AdView:

AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().addTestDevice("unit id ").build();

But let's get into more detail: Let's assume that you'll be using the IABHelper class from Google. This class includes a callback-method which let's you know about the purchases of the user:

IabHelper.QueryInventoryFinishedListener mGotInventoryListener = new IabHelper.QueryInventoryFinishedListener() {
        public void onQueryInventoryFinished(IabResult result, Inventory inventory) {

            if (mHelper == null)

            if (result.isFailure()) {
                // handle error here
            } else {
                if (inventory.hasPurchase(PremiumUtils.SKU_AD_FREE)){
                    // User paid to remove the Ads - so hide 'em
                    // Free user - annoy him with ads ;)

As you can see: Depending on the inventory (which "manages" all purchases) the Ad will be loaded/shown or hid. Of course you have to write the hideAd() and showAd() methods on your own. For more info how to add In-App Billing to your app see the Docs (click).
Hope this answers your question.
