Adding bias in Taylor diagram in R

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-06 13:42:41

If I understand correctly the bias is the difference in means between the model vector and the observation vector. Then, the problem is to, (a) find the line between the observation and model points, (b) find a line perpendicular to this line, (c) find a point along the perpendicular line, at a distance from the model point equal to the bias.

One possible solution is:

taylor.bias <- function(ref, model, normalize = FALSE){
    R <- cor(model, ref, use = "pairwise")
    sd.f <- sd(model)
    sd.r <- sd(ref)
    m.f <- mean(model)
    m.r <- mean(ref)

    ## normalize if requested
    if (normalize) {
        m.f <- m.f/sd.r
        m.r <- m.r/sd.r
        sd.f <- sd.f/sd.r
        sd.r <- 1

    ## calculate bias
    bias <- m.f - m.r

    ## coordinates for model and observations
    dd <- rbind(mp = c(sd.f * R, sd.f * sin(acos(R))), rp = c(sd.r, 0))

    ## find equation of line passing through pts
    v1 <- solve(cbind(1, dd[,1])) %*% dd[,2]    

    ## find perpendicular line
    v2 <- c(dd[1,2] + dd[1,1]/v1[2], -1/v1[2])

    ## find point defined by bias
    nm <- dd[1,] - c(0, v2[1])
    nm <- nm / sqrt(sum(nm^2))
    bp <- dd[1,] + bias*nm

    ## plot lines
    arrows(x0 = dd[1,1], x1 = bp[1], y0 = dd[1,2], y1 = bp[2], col = "red", length = 0.05, lwd = 1.5)
    lines(rbind(dd[2,], bp), col = "red", lty = 3)
    lines(dd, col = "red", lty = 3)


obs = runif(100,1,100)
mod1 = runif(100,1,100)

Where the length of the red vector indicates the bias and the length of dotted line joining the vector's tip to the reference point is the RMS error. The direction of the red vector indicates the sign of the bias -- in the picture below, negative bias.
