SharpSSH .NET Library: unable to connect to Linux (Debian) from .NET

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-06 13:05:28

Looks like that project is no good. Downloaded the new one here, which consists of the actual source code of the new "SharpSSH" class library project and a console application called "Examples" when you open the Visual Studio solution file.

When launching the "Examples" console application, it worked!


JSch Smaples:
1)      Shell.cs
2)      AES.cs
3)      UserAuthPublicKey.cs
4)      Sftp.cs
5)      KeyGen.cs
6)      KnownHosts.cs
7)      ChangePassphrase.cs
8)      PortForwardingL.cs
9)      PortForwardingR.cs
10)     StreamForwarding.cs
11)     Subsystem.cs
12)     ViaHTTP.cs

SharpSSH Smaples:
13)     SSH Shell sample
14)     SSH Expect Sample
15)     SSH Exec Sample
16)     SSH File Transfer
17)     Exit

Please enter your choice: 13

Enter Remote Host: {type host here}
Enter Username: testjobs
Use publickey authentication? [Yes|No] :No
Enter Password: helloworld

Linux gmqa 2.6.32-5-686-bigmem #1 SMP Thu Apr 7 22:17:10 UTC 2011 i686

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