Uncaught TypeError: THREE.MTLLoader is not a constructor 2.0

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-06 11:28:15

The Three.js docs are misleading. Even though the MTLLoader is in the main documentation, it's actually not part of Three.js's core library. It's included in the examples/ folder of Three.js.

If you're using ES6 module syntax, you have two options.

Option 1: NPM

Usually people publish things like this to NPM because the creators of Threejs don't use modern JS development practices. In this case, there is a three-mtl-loader npm package package.

npm install --save three-mtl-loader

and then

import MTLLoader from 'three-mtl-loader';

Option 2: Copy MTLLoader from Three's source.

You can copy the MTLLoader.js file into your project, but it's not good practice to copy third party libraries into your local project if you're using modern ES6 modules.
