How does Seam 3 handles the “redirect to capture view” feature after login?

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-06 11:12:46

Use case No. - 1 SeamFaces stores the originally requested viewId in the user Session, then re-routes to that view after the successful login. It does this by intercepting the navigation from the Seam Security login button, and fires a PostLoginEvent with the data stored in the SessionMap.

Use case No. 2 - nice solution with the redirect! You could also do this with a @UrlMapping in your ViewConfig.

Use case No. 3 - Your viewAction solution should work, but I believe you are coming across SEAMFACES-179. There are a couple of solutions you can use:

1) In your login method, you can manipulate the seesion map stored by the Seam Faces, as demonstrated in this gist -- (this solution courtesy of Cody Lerum)

2) Use PrettyFaces to intercept the request for the login view, and rediret you if you are not logged in.

Anthony O.

Finally here is what I did.

    <s:viewAction action="#{loginAction.redirectToHome}" immediate="true" />

So I removed the if="#{identity.loggedIn}" in order to call my redirectToHome method which redirects to the /pages/home.xhtml.

  • If the user is already authenticated, then he is redirected to the home page.
  • If he's not, then it is redirected to the home page, which redirects him to the login page thanks to my @ViewConfig

Here is the loginAction :

public void redirectToHome() throws IOException {

The problem I faced then was when I logged out.

Here is my logout action :

<h:commandLink  action="/public/login" actionListener="#{securityAction.logout()}" value="Disconnect" immediate="true" />

And the securityAction.logout() method :

public void logout() {
    if (!conversation.isTransient()) {

The problem is that I was redirected to the login page (thanks to the @ViewConfig I think), but no PreLoginEvent were thrown, so the Seam LoginListener.observePreLoginEvent wasn't called, and so my previous URL wasn't put in session. So when I logged in (immediatly after logout), I was stuck on the login page, but was logged in.

Thanks to Brian Leathem and he's previous answer, here is what I did : in my authenticate method of my BaseAuthenticator, I called that method after authentication :

private void overrideRedirectToLogin() {
    final String PRE_LOGIN_URL = LoginListener.class.getName() + "_PRE_LOGIN_URL";
    final ExternalContext externalContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
    final Map<String, Object> sessionMap = externalContext.getSessionMap();
    String redirectURL = (String) sessionMap.get(PRE_LOGIN_URL);

    if (redirectURL == null) {
        final HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) externalContext.getRequest();
        redirectURL = request.getRequestURL().toString();

    sessionMap.put(PRE_LOGIN_URL, redirectURL.replace("/public/login.xhtml", "/pages/home.xhtml"));

With that solution, my previous URL wasn't set in session, but at least, my user is redirected to the home page.
