Sparse O(1) array with indices being consecutive products

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-06 10:09:46

There doesn't seem to be a lot of structure to take advantage of here. If you're asking if there is a way to arrange to arrange the table such that you can avoid storage for entries that can't happen (because they have a prime factor larger than N), you can't save much. There is a theory of smooth numbers which states that the density of N-smooth numbers near N^2 is ~2^-2. So, absolute best case, you can reduce the (maximum) storage requirement by at most a factor of 4.

I think you're better off taking advantage of symmetry and then using a hash table if you expect most arguments to never occur.

Start with looking at it as a two-dimensional array: tab[a][b]. This still requires N*N size.

Each entry will be used, but there will be duplication: f(a,b) = f(b,a). So only a triangular matrix is required (at the cost of one branch for a>b vs a<b).

if (a < b) return tab[b*(b+1) + a]; // assuming 0 <= a < b < N
else return tab[a*(a+1) + b];       // assuming 0 <= b <= a < N


if (a < b) return tab[b*(b-1) + a]; // assuming 1 <= a < b <= N
else return tab[a*(a-1) + b];       // assuming 1 <= b <= a <= N

EDIT: the memory used by a triangular matrix is (N+1)*N/2, about half the size of a square matrix. Still quadratic, though :(

EDIT2: Note that er is still duplication in the matrix: e.g. f(3, 2) = f(6, 1). I don't think this can be eliminated without introducing lots of branches and loops, but that's just a gut feeling.

Why not simply hash the A and B combo and put the results in a map? And do it lazily so you just get the ones you want?

public Result f(Type1 a, Type2 b) {
    TypePair key = new TypePair(a, b);
    Result res = map.get(key);
    if (res == null) {
        res = reallyCalculate(a, b);
        map.put(key, res);
    return res;

Basic memoization.

Hash tables provide a good balance between lookup speed and memory overhead. The C++ standard library does not provide a hash table, although it is sometimes available as a non-standard extension. See the SGI hash_map for example.

The Poco C++ library also has a HashTable and HashMap classes, see the documentation.
