C# How do I convert my get GetPixel / SetPixel color processing to Lockbits?

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-06 09:58:38

Additional information: Bitmap region is already locked"

You now know why GetPixel() is slow, it also uses Un/LockBits under the hood. But does so for each individual pixel, the overhead steals cpu cycles. A bitmap can be locked only once, that's why you got the exception. Also the basic reason that you can't access a bitmap in multiple threads simultaneously.

The point of LockBits is that you can access the memory occupied by the bitmap pixels directly. The BitmapData.Scan0 member gives you the memory address. Directly addressing the memory is very fast. You'll however have to work with an IntPtr, the type of Scan0, that requires using a pointer or Marshal.Copy(). Using a pointer is the optimal way, there are many existing examples on how to do this, I won't repeat it here.

 ... = bmpMain.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bmpMain.PixelFormat); 

The last argument you pass is very, very important. It selects the pixel format of the data and that affects the code you write. Using bmpMain.PixelFormat is the fastest way to lock but it is also very inconvenient. Since that now requires you to adapt your code to the specific pixel format. There are many, take a good look at the PixelFormat enum. They differ in the number of bytes taken for each pixel and how the colors are encoded in the bits.

The only convenient pixel format is Format32bppArgb, every pixel takes 4 bytes, the color/alpha is encoded in a single byte and you can very easily and quickly address the pixels with an uint*. You can still deal with Format24bppRgb but you now need a byte*, that's a lot slower. The ones that have a P in the name are pre-multiplied formats, very fast to display but exceedingly awkward to deal with. You may thus be well ahead by taking the perf hit of forcing LockBits() to convert the pixel format. Paying attention to the pixel format up front is important to avoid this kind of lossage.

The array returned by scan0 is in this format BGRA BGRA BGRA BGRA ... and so on, where B = Blue, G = Green, R = Red, A = Alpha.

Example of a very small bitmap 4 pixels wide and 3 pixels height.


stride = width*bytesPerPixel = 4*4 = 16 bytes
height = 3
maxLenght = stride*height= 16*3 = 48 bytes

To reach a certain pixel in the image (x, y) use this formula

int certainPixel = bytesPerPixel*x + stride * y;
B = scan0[certainPixel + 0];
G = scan0[certainPixel + 1];
R = scan0[certainPixel + 2];
A = scan0[certainPixel + 3];

    public unsafe void Test(Bitmap bmp)
        int width = bmp.Width;
        int height = bmp.Height;
        //TODO determine bytes per pixel
        int bytesPerPixel = 4; // we assume that image is Format32bppArgb
        int maxPointerLenght = width * height * bytesPerPixel;
        int stride = width * bytesPerPixel;
        byte R, G, B, A;

        BitmapData bData = bmp.LockBits(
            new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height),
            ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, bmp.PixelFormat);

        byte* scan0 = (byte*)bData.Scan0.ToPointer();

        for (int i = 0; i < maxPointerLenght; i += 4)
            B = scan0[i + 0];
            G = scan0[i + 1];
            R = scan0[i + 2];
            A = scan0[i + 3];

            // do anything with the colors
            // Set the green component to 0
            G = 0;
            // do something with red
            R = R < 54 ? (byte)(R + 127) : R;
            R = R > 255 ? 255 : R;


You can test is yourself. Create a very small bitmap ( few pixels wide/height) in paint or any other program and put a breakpoint at the begining of the method.
