AngularJS : How to transclude and have both isolate scope and parent scope?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-06 09:38:47

I managed to figure it out by shying away from ng-transclude and doing my own transclusion in the link function.

The following is the equivalent of the normal ng-transclude:

link: function (scope,element,attrs,ctrlr,transclude) {
   var sc = scope.$parent.$new();
   transclude(sc,function(clone,scope) {
      element.append(clone); // or however else you want to manipulate the DOM

By adding the functions directly onto the transclude child scope, I was able to have everything work, without messing with the parent scope, which I really didn't want to do.

link: function (scope,element,attrs,ctrlr,transclude) {
   var sc = scope.$parent.$new();
   sc.editMode = false; = function() {
   sc.edit = function () {
     sc.editMode = true;
   // etc.
   transclude(sc,function(clone,scope) {
      element.append(clone); // or however else you want to manipulate the DOM

Best of both worlds!
