Best way to implement a generic method in a type generic/agnostic way

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-06 09:28:44
Jon Skeet

As you say, you've got to perform type checking of some description. However, you can easily break it down into smaller methods and even have an open registration scheme:

private readonly Dictionary<Type, Delegate> obfuscators =
    new Dictionary<Type, Delegate>;

// Alternatively, register appropriate obfuscators on construction.
public void RegisterConverter<T>(Func<T, T> obfuscator)
    obfuscators[typeof(T)] = obfuscator;

public T Obfuscate<T>(T value)
    Delegate obfuscator;
    if (obfuscators.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out obfuscator)
        // We know it'll be the right type...
        var realObfuscator = (Func<T, T>) obfuscator;
        return realObfuscator(value);
    // ??? Throw exception? Return the original value?