Accessing JSON decoded into a HASH and an array of hash references

孤人 提交于 2019-12-06 09:18:20

Your dump shows a hashref containing a scalar, two hashrefs, and an arrayref. The arrayref has hashrefs for elements. If you want to retrieve specific elements from it, you need to know the index.

$top_level->{results}->[0]->{domain};  # is ''
$top_level->{results}->[0]->{status};  # is 'open'

To iterate through it dereference the array

foreach my $result (@{ $top_level->{results} }) {
    print "$result->{id}\n";

Or you can just get values from all results elements for a particular key, say for id

my @ids = map { $_->{id} } @{ $top_level->{results} };
say "@ids";


1342 7062 432

Note that with nested structures, which contain references, you can also use syntax

$top_level->{results}[0]{domain};  # is ''  

The -> is optional between subscripts, see rule 3. in Using References in perlref.

When the hash keys are strings they should be quoted


However, a syntax shortcut allows us to omit quotes on barewords. But if there is anything other than a bareword inside {} it will be interpreted as an expression and evaluated. So if in any doubt use quotes. You want consistent notation throughout.

Resources: Tutorial perlreftut, reference perlref and data structures cookbook, perldsc.

A direct solution is given in stevieb's answer, creating a reverse lookup. Copied here for reference

my $results = $VAR1->{results};

my %by_ip = map {$_->{id} => $_} @$results;

print "$by_ip{1342}->{domain}\n";

You need to transform the inner $results array into a new hash:

my $results = $VAR1->{results};

my %modded = map {$_->{id} => $_} @$results;

print "$modded{1342}->{domain}\n";


What that does is for each hash reference inside @$results, takes the value of the id key, sets it as a new key inside of a new hash (%modded), and then assigns the whole hash ref we're working with to the value of that numbered key.

For completeness, TIMTOWTDI-ness and -Ofun if you use the latest perl (use v5.24;), with postfix dereferencing (enabled by default), and experimental support for reference aliasing (use feature 'refalias';) then you can dereference $VAR1 and assign it to an alias (%data) which you can then access as a regular hash:

use v5.24 ;
use feature 'refaliasing';

my $VAR1 = [AS ABOVE] ;
foreach \my %data ( $VAR1->{results}->@* ) { say $data{domain} };

I like this usage (though at this point it is far from an accepted "idiom") because you invoke the dereferencing syntax "once" - either the postfix or traditional form - and then get a data structure where it is not necessary to use -> inside the block .

Of course you can do this by copying into a temporary hash. but aliasing can be seen as "more efficient and readable" (cf. Data::Alias).

Further References:
