How do I override TreeNodeCollection.Add(TreeNode)?

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-06 06:03:21

Add method belongs to TreeNodeCollection class. If you like to have new Add methods with new signatures:

  • Naturally you may think about deriving from TreeNodeCollection and defining new methods and derive from TreeView and replace its TreeNodeCollection with your new custom node collection. But don't try this solution. TreeNodeCollection doesn't have a public constructor. So I'd suggest creating Extension Methods.

  • The other solution that you may think about it is deriving from TreeView and adding new Add methods to the derived TreeView.

Example - Extension Methods

Create a new code file and copy the following code and paste it in the code file:

namespace MyExtensions
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    public static class TreeNodeCollectionExtensions
        //Just an example of a new signature, use the signature that you need instead:
        public static TreeNode Add(this TreeNodeCollection nodes, string text, int tag)
            var node = nodes.Add(text);
            node.Tag = tag;
            return node;

Then in the class which you are going to use the new Add method, first add the using statement:

using MyExtensions;

Then use it like a normal method:

treeView1.Nodes.Add("One", 1);