Use the “circular_reference_handler” key of the context instead symfony 4.2

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-06 05:02:28

Unfortunately it is a bit hidden away in the docs, but you can create a class instead of using an anonymous function and then configure the serializer to use this service by default.

It is part of the configuration reference:

# config/packages/serializer.yaml

    circular_reference_handler: 'App\Serializer\MyCircularReferenceHandler'

There is no interface specified. Instead the class needs to be invokable. So in your case it could look like this:

class MyCircularReferenceHandler
    public function __invoke($object)
        return $object->id;

you can see a reference to this config key here : the doc has not been updated to show usages of this config key

this config key has to be used in one of your config files (framework.yml for instance) to set the service used to handle circular references

    circular_reference_handler: App\Service\YourCircularReferenceHandler

An addendum to @dbrumann's answer, which very nearly worked for me. In my Symfony 4.3 application, the serializer section of the YAML requires a parent framework container. So:

# config/packages/serializer.yaml

        circular_reference_handler: 'App\Serializer\MyCircularReferenceHandler'

And then in the reference handler:

class MyCircularReferenceHandler {
    public function __invoke($object) {
        return $object->id;

To check that the config values are being loaded correctly, you can utilise the Symfony console:

$ php bin/console debug:config framework

If the config values are loaded correctly, you should see them under the appropriate section in the output.

Alternatively, you can provide a dynamic handler in context property :

public function normalize($user, $format = null, array $context = [])
    // Handle circular references
    // DEPRECATED in sf 4.2 : 
    // $this->normalizer->setCircularReferenceHandler(function ($object) {return $object->getId();});

    // Good way in sf > 4.2
    $context['circular_reference_handler'] = function ($object) {return $object->getId();};
    // Return data
    $data = $this->normalizer->normalize($user, $format, $context);

In messenger configuration, You can call an object method like this:

class CircularReferenceHandler
    public function handle($object, string $format, array $context)
        return $object->getId();
# config/package/messenger.yaml
      default_serializer: messenger.transport.symfony_serializer
        format: json
        context: {circular_reference_handler: 'App\application\Helpers\CircularReferenceHandler::handle'}