AVPlayer blank video: playing sound but no video

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-06 04:27:31

In case anyone encounters this issue, the problem seems related to an iOS bug. The problem doesn't occur on iOS 8/9 devices, only on new iOS 10 devices. Starting with iOS 10.2, the problem vanishes.

Unfortunately, still no programmatic solution for 10.0.x or 10.1.x.

I think you need to play with a AVPlayerViewController or AVPlayerLayer.

AVPlayerLayer *playerLayer = [AVPlayerLayer playerLayerWithPlayer:player];

//set player layer frame and attach it to our view
playerLayer.frame = self.containerView.bounds;
[self.containerView.layer addSublayer:playerLayer];

//play the video
[player play];

From Apple doc:

AVPlayer and AVPlayerItem are nonvisual objects meaning that on their own are unable to present an asset’s video on screen. You have two primary approaches you can use to present your video content on screen:

AVKit: The best way to present your video content is by using the AVKit framework’s AVPlayerViewController class in iOS and tvOS or the AVPlayerView class in macOS. These classes present the video content, along with playback controls and other media features giving you a full-featured playback experience.

AVPlayerLayer: If you are building a custom interface for your player, you use a Core Animation CALayer subclass provided by AVFoundation called AVPlayerLayer. The player layer can be set as a view’s backing layer or can be added directly to the layer hierarchy. Unlike AVPlayerView and AVPlayerViewController, a player layer doesn’t present any playback controls, but simply presents the visual content on screen. It is up to you to build the playback transport controls to play, pause, and seek through the media.
