Inheriting the main method

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-06 02:45:31

Move the main method out into a separate class. Separate concerns
Strategy (the name says it all)
Launcher (assembling components together and triggering execution)

public class Launcher
    public static void main(String args)
       Strategy s = new UselessStrategy();
          //OR Strategy s = CreateInstance(args[0]) ;
          //OR equiv mechanism for Dependency Injection if you don't want to hardcode the derived strategy to use.
        s.execute(new SoccerRobot())

Static methods, such as "main", are not inherited but can be called directly. As a workaround, you could parameterize the class name as an argument to the main method:

public static void main(String args) throws Exception
  String className = (args.length > 0) ? args[0] : 'UselessStrategy';
  Strategy s = (Strategy) Class.forName(className).newInstance();
  s.execute(new SoccerRobot())

If Class.forName is not possible, then maintaining a mapping of class names can provide a lookup table, per Andreas_D's comment:

private static Map<String, Class<? extends Strategy>> STRATEGY_NAME =
    new HashMap<String, Class<? extends Strategy>>();

static {
    STRATEGY_NAME.put("Useless", UselessStrategy.class);
    STRATEGY_NAME.put("Better", BetterStrategy.class);

public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
    String className = (args.length > 0) ? args[0] : null;
    Class<? extends Strategy> klass = STRATEGY_NAME.get(className);
    if (klass == null) klass = UselessStrategy.class;
    Strategy s = klass.newInstance();

Automated methods for maintaining the mapping could be devised, such as using reflection, if the need arises.

You can define the class in a static block in the subclass.

public abstract class Strategy
    protected static Class<? extends Strategy> instanceClass;

    abstract void execute(SoccerRobot robot);

    public static void main(String args)
        Strategy s = instanceClass.newInstance()
        s.execute(new SoccerRobot())

and then

public class UselessStrategy extends Strategy
    static {
        instanceClass = UselessStrategy.class;

    void execute(SoccerRobot robot)
        System.out.println("I'm useless")

You cannot instantiate an abstract class, but you definitely can instantiate a derived class from the base class. So just remove abstract from class definition

public class UselessStrategy

and do

Strategy s = new UselessStrategy();

I'd rethink this.

Put the code that you'd like executed somewhere else, preferably a non-static method, and call that. main() shouldn't be used this way.

I'd recommend creating a separate Strategy class in lieu of main.

Where is the main method called from? If it takes arguments then you can decide a concrete strategy based on those arguments, instantiate that strategy class and call the execute method on it.
