How to construct query in querydsl without domain classes

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-05 20:08:44

A very simple SQL query such as this:

public User findById(Long id) {
    return new SQLQuery(getConnection(), getConfiguration())

...can be created dynamically like this (without any sugar added):

public User findById(Long id) {
    Path<Object> userPath = new PathImpl<Object>(Object.class, "user");
    NumberPath<Long> idPath = Expressions.numberPath(Long.class, userPath, "id");
    StringPath usernamePath = Expressions.stringPath(userPath, "username");
    Tuple tuple = new SQLQuery(getConnection(), getConfiguration())
      .singleResult(idPath, usernamePath);
    return new User(tuple.get(idPath), tuple.get(usernamePath));

Here is a small variation of ponzao's solution using PathBuilder

public User findById(Long id) {        
    PathBuilder<Object> userPath = new PathBuilder<Object>(Object.class, "user");
    NumberPath<Long> idPath = userPath.getNumber("id", Long.class);
    StringPath usernamePath = userPath.getString("username");
    Tuple tuple = new SQLQuery(getConnection(), getConfiguration())
      .singleResult(idPath, usernamePath);
    return new User(tuple.get(idPath), tuple.get(usernamePath));

Update: Timo has invalidated my original response by showing me how to do what I want WITHOUT having to replace the SQLQuery class. Here is his comment:

query.getSQL(field1, field2, ... fieldN), getSQL is consistent with the
other methods which also take the projection arguments at last

I have removed my unnecessary class. Here is an example of using SQLQuery directly to get the SQL string WITHOUT executing the query (e.g., without using the list method):

SQLQuery rquery = new SQLQuery(connection , dialect);

// Use getSQL with projections

SQLBindings bindings = rquery.getSQL(qtable.qfield1, qtable.qfield2);

// Get the SQL string from the SQLBindings

// Get the SQL parameters from the SQLBindings for the parameterized query

This response answers how to use QueryDSL to build out a complete SQL query without actually executing the query. It does not address your additional requirements about "dynamic schemas" and "without domain objects"...
