Well founded recursion in Coq

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-05 20:03:45

The simplest strategy in this case is probably to use the Program extension together with a measure. You will then have to provide a proof that the arguments used in the recursive call are smaller than the top level ones according to the measure.

Require Coq.Program.Tactics.
Require Coq.Program.Wf.

Fixpoint toNat (m : N) : nat :=
match m with O => 0 | S n => 1 + (toNat n) end.

Program Fixpoint div (m : N) (n : N) {measure (toNat m)}: N :=
match n with
  | O => O
  | S x => match m <= n with
    | False => O
    | True => pred (div (m-n) n)
Next Obligation.
(* your proof here *)

Although gallais's answer is definitely the way to go in general, I should point out that we can define division on the natural numbers in Coq as a simple fixpoint. Here, I'm using the definition of nat in the standard library for simplicity.

Fixpoint minus (n m : nat) {struct n} : nat :=
   match n, m with
   | S n', S m' => minus n' m'
   |    _,    _ => n

Definition leq (n m : nat) : bool :=
  match minus n m with
  | O => true
  | _ => false

Fixpoint div (n m : nat) {struct n} : nat :=
  match m with
  | O => O
  | S m' =>
    if leq (S m') n then
      match n with
      | O => O (* Impossible *)
      | S n' => S (div (minus n' m') (S m'))
    else O

Compute div 6 3.
Compute div 7 3.
Compute div 9 3.

The definition of minus is essentially the one from the standard library. Notice on the second branch of that definition we return n. Thanks to this trick, Coq's termination checker can detect that minus n' m' is structurally smaller than S n', which allows us to perform the recursive call to div.

There's actually an even simpler way of doing this, although a bit harder to understand: you can check whether the divisor is smaller and perform the recursive call in a single step.

(* Divide n by m + 1 *)
Fixpoint div'_aux n m {struct n} :=
  match minus n m with
  | O    => O
  | S n' => S (div'_aux n' m)

Definition div' n m :=
  match m with
  | O    => O (* Arbitrary *)
  | S m' => div'_aux n m'

Compute div' 6 3.
Compute div' 7 3.
Compute div' 9 3.

Once again, because of the form of the minus function, Coq's termination checker knows that n' in the second branch of div'_aux is a valid argument to a recursive call. Notice also that div'_aux is dividing by m + 1.

Of course, this whole thing relies on a clever trick that requires understanding the termination checker in detail. In general, you have to resort to well-founded recursion, as gallais showed.
