Sonarqube does not retrieve my JavaScript coverage from LCOV

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-05 19:46:27

I was clueless, so I decided to modif the JavaScript plugin to add more logs. And I finally found the error, which is a vicious problem of... case sensitivity!

Let me explain. Let's consider the saveMeasureFromLCOVFile method of the

  protected void saveMeasureFromLCOVFile(SensorContext context) {
    String providedPath = settings.getString(JavaScriptPlugin.LCOV_REPORT_PATH);
    File lcovFile = getIOFile(fileSystem.baseDir(), providedPath);
    ..."Analysing {}", lcovFile);

    LCOVParser parser = new LCOVParser(fileSystem.baseDir());
    Map<String, CoverageMeasuresBuilder> coveredFiles = parser.parseFile(lcovFile);

    for (InputFile inputFile : fileSystem.inputFiles(mainFilePredicate)) {
      try {
        CoverageMeasuresBuilder fileCoverage = coveredFiles.get(inputFile.file().getAbsolutePath());
        org.sonar.api.resources.File resource = org.sonar.api.resources.File.create(inputFile.relativePath());

        if (fileCoverage != null) {
          for (Measure measure : fileCoverage.createMeasures()) {
            context.saveMeasure(resource, measure);
        } else {
          // colour all lines as not executed
          LOG.debug("Default value of zero will be saved for file: {}", resource.getPath());
          LOG.debug("Because: either was not present in LCOV report either was not able to retrieve associated SonarQube resource");
          saveZeroValueForResource(resource, context);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Problem while calculating coverage for " + inputFile.absolutePath(), e);

First, it reads the file given to know for which files we have coverage data (retrieved by parsing the file, done with LCOVParser class). After that, it takes the same file from the coveredFiles map to do the matching between metrics and code. If the file is not found (else part of the if (fileCoverage != null) {), then the code coverage is forced to 0.

That's what happened on my project.

So why is it happening? Simply because in my environment, inputFile is equals to d:\dev\my-application\app\scripts\app.js and in coveredFiles map, I have D:\dev\my-application\app\scripts\app.js. Note the difference of the case in the drive letter (d: against D:). As the map.get(...) is case sensitive, fileCoverage is null and then no coverage is calculated.

Now, I have to investigate on how I can force the path to have correct case...

After more investigation, I found a modification in the plugin code that works (at least for me, I didn't get into all the possible impacts). In LCOVParser, the filePath = CoverageSensor.getIOFile(moduleBaseDir, filePath).getCanonicalPath(); could be modified to filePath = CoverageSensor.getIOFile(moduleBaseDir, filePath).getAbsolutePath();, since the first one returns a path like D:\... while the second will return d:\....

In fact, I'm not even what is the preferred case to use on Windows. The following code:

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    System.out.println("PATH 1 : " + new File(".").getAbsolutePath());
    System.out.println("PATH 2 : " + new File(".").getCanonicalPath());

will return:

PATH 1 : D:\dev\preclosing\preclosing-eme\.
PATH 2 : D:\dev\preclosing\preclosing-eme

Anyway, I'm stuck for the moment, and I'm not even sure how to solve my issue without waiting for a JS plugin fix (since my "official" Sonar is a little bit old for the moment and only support JS plugin up to v2.1).
