Is it possible use @NotifyChange instead of BindUtils.postNotifyChange?

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-05 19:29:13
Nabil A.

1) If the variable associated with "isDisabled" is not changed in any case by this call, you don't need to.
But maybe it is changed inside loadFolderInfoList()
2) You can imagine that a @NotifyChange({"arg1","arg2",...,"argN"}) is the same as

for(String arg : args){ 
  BindUtils.postNotifyChange(null, null, refToClassCalledFrom, arg); 

3) But you can call BindUtils.postNotifyChange(...) from everywhere as long as you got a reference to the VM.
4) To me it looks like this code is from a nested class of FolderInfoEditViewModel, that it self is is VM as well as FolderInfoEditViewModel.
In this case the @NotifyChage(...) is invoked for the nested class but

BindUtils.postNotifyChange(null, null, FolderInfoEditViewModel.this, "folderInfoList");

refers to it's outer class FolderInfoEditViewModel and that can only be archived this way.
