neo4j: Cypher LOAD CSV with uuid

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-05 17:53:46

Not sure where you've seen that {uuid} is a function. It is just using whatever you pass in as an parameter "uuid".

You'd have to generate a uuid when creating your CSV. In cypher there is currently no uuid() function.

One workaround that you could do is:

LOAD CSV FROM "file:..." AS csvLine
CREATE (c:Customer { name: csvLine[0], code: csvLine[1]})
SET = id(c)

You could also use the GraphAware UUID Module.

All you would have to do is drop the framework jar and the uuid module jar into the plugins directory, add the following 2 lines into, and restart Neo4j.


Any new node (no matter how it is created) will automatically get a UUID.
