Kripke semantics: learning software available?

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-05 16:42:45

I'm not sure whether educational software for teaching relational semantics for modal logics exists. However, I can attempt to answer some of the questions you have asked.

First, the modal operators for necessity and possibility operate on propositions, not truth values. Hence, if φ is a proposition then both ☐φ and ♢φ are propositions. Because neither true nor false are propositions, none of ☐true, ♢true, ☐false, and ♢false are meaningful sequences of symbols.

Second, what you refer to as the "duality axiom" is usually the expression of the interdefinability of the modal operators. It can be introduced as an axiom in an axiomatic development of modal logic or derived as a consequence of the semantics of the modal operators.

Third, the classical quantifiers are not modal operators and don't express modal concepts. In fact, modal logics are generally defined by introducing the modal operators into either propositional or predicate logics. I think your confusion arises because the semantics of modal operators appears similar to the semantics of quantifiers. For instance, the semantics of the necessity operator appears similar to the semantics of the universal quantifier:

  • ⊧ ∀x.φ(x) ≡ φ(α) is true for all α in the domain of quantification
  • w ☐φ ≡ φ is true in every possible world accessible from w

A similarity is seen when comparing the possibility operator with the existential quantifier. In fact, the modal operators can be defined as quantifiers over possible worlds. As far as I know, the converse isn't true.
