ngStorage not working properly when redirect using window.location

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-05 16:01:32

This problem has been answered here by @claireablani. It seems that page reloading occurs before modification on localStorage has been applied.

You can use a fork of ngStorage library by @raynode (Github here, not available on bower) which add a $save() method to ensure modification had been applied.


did the trick for me

thanks to this github issue comment

var setLocalStorage = function (token, uname)
$localStorage.token = token;
$ = uname;

$timeout(setLocalStorage(token, userForm.uname), 500);

Module Used : ngStorage


$localStorage.apply(); //Just after adding values in localstorage use this. No timeout required.

I also ran into this issue. I was trying to update localStorage in a service and it didn't seem to work. At least not inside a promise. Tried $localStorage.$apply() and $timeout there, but it didn't work. I had to move the code inside my controller to make this work.

$scope.$localStorage.myVar = 'test';