Cards representation in Prolog

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-05 12:57:02

You could represent cards as terms with the form Rank-Suite.

In order to check if the cards come from the same suite define a predicate:

same_suit(_-S, _-S).

You can use this predicate to check if you have a flush:

?- Cards = [1-d, 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, 5-d], maplist(same_suit(_-S), Cards).
Cards = [1-d, 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, 5-d],
S = d.

In order to detect if you have a pair, two pairs, three of a kind, full house, or four of a kind you can just count the number of pairs in the hand and then map the result to the name of the hand.

% Count the number of pairs in the given list of cards.
count_pairs([], 0).

count_pairs([R-_ | Cs], Pairs) :-
    count_rank(R, Cs, RankCount),
    count_pairs(Cs, Pairs0),
    Pairs is RankCount + Pairs0.

% Count the number of cards with the given rank
count_rank(R, Cs, RankCount) :-
    count_rank(R, Cs, 0, RankCount).

count_rank(_, [], RankCount, RankCount) :- !.

count_rank(R, [R-_ | Cs], RankCount0, RankCount) :-
    RankCount1 is RankCount0 + 1,
    count_rank(R, Cs, RankCount1, RankCount).

count_rank(R, [_ | Cs], RankCount0, RankCount) :-
    count_rank(R, Cs, RankCount0, RankCount).

% Map the number of pairs to the name of the hand
pairs_hand(1, one_pair).
pairs_hand(2, two_pair).
pairs_hand(3, three_of_a_kind).
pairs_hand(4, full_house).
%pairs_hand(5, 'NOT POSSIBLE').
pairs_hand(6, four_of_a_kind).

Usage examples:

?- count_pairs([q-c, q-d, q-s, j-s, q-h], PairsCount), pairs_hand(PairsCount, Hand).
PairsCount = 6,
Hand = four_of_a_kind.

?- count_pairs([j-c, q-d, q-s, j-s, q-h], PairsCount), pairs_hand(PairsCount, Hand).
PairsCount = 4,
Hand = full_house.

?- count_pairs([j-c, q-d, q-s, j-s, 7-h], PairsCount), pairs_hand(PairsCount, Hand).
PairsCount = 2,
Hand = two_pair.

You can use unicode and SWI to make pretty programs...

:- op(200, xf, ♥).
:- op(200, xf, ♦).
:- op(200, xf, ♣).
:- op(200, xf, ♠).
:- op(200, xf, ♡).
:- op(200, xf, ♢).
:- op(200, xf, ♧).
:- op(200, xf, ♤).

main :- print([2♠,3♦,'K'♥,10♠,3♣]),


Use a list of pairs, card(rank, suite) for the hand. Define predicates to count the number of times each rank is repeated in a hand, sort inversely by count, and you have poker in [4,1], full in [3,2], trio in [3|_], etc. A little more work with sorting and counting will reveal flushes and straights. Instead of numerical values, use relationships higher(a,b) and equal(a,b) that apply to both ranks and to hands (and to suits, if that rule applies).

Because there are only five cards in a hand, you can get away with enumerating the possibilities instead of sorting... your choice.

Note: I removed the code samples because they contained too many syntax and logic errors.
