What happened to TBitBtn and TButton inheritance chain?

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-05 12:29:58

TButton and TBitBtn do still continue to share a common OnClick event, as it is implemented all the way down at the TControl level to begin with, and always has been. TButton was merely promoting the protected TControl::OnClick event to published, which TBitBtn would then inherit.

In D2009, TCustomButton, like other TCustom... classes, does not promote protected members from base classes to published. TButton and TBitBtn promote the protected TControl::OnClick event to published individually. But the event itself still exists at the TControl level.

Since it is protected at the TControl level, you can use an accessor class to reach it, ie:

class TCustomButtonAccess
    __property OnClick;

class CButtonPopupMenu
    // Snip

    void Init( TCustomButton* SrcButton )
        ((TCustomButtonAccess*)SrcButton)->OnClick = OnButtonClick;

    void __fastcall OnButtonClick( TObject* Sender )
        // Do some button click stuff

Or, for any general TControl pointer:

class TControlAccess
    __property OnClick;

class CControlPopupMenu
    // Snip

    void Init( TControl* SrcControl )
        ((TControlAccess*)SrcControl)->OnClick = OnControlClick;

    void __fastcall OnControlClick( TObject* Sender )
        // Do some click stuff

A more elegant solution would be to use RTTI instead, which would also allow you to handle other types of objects, such as TSpeedButton, which have their own OnClick event, ie:

#include <TypInfo.hpp>

class TControlAccess
    __property OnClick;

class CControlPopupMenu
    // Snip

    void Init( TControl* SrcControl )
        TMethod m;
        m.Code = &OnControlClick;
        m.Data = this;
        SetMethodProp(SrcControl, "OnClick", m);

    void __fastcall OnControlClick( TObject* Sender )
        // Do some click stuff

Or even:

#include <TypInfo.hpp>

class CObjectPopupMenu
    // Snip

    void Init( TObject* SrcObject )
        TMethod m;
        m.Code = &OnObjectClick;
        m.Data = this;
        SetMethodProp(SrcObject, "OnClick", m);

    void __fastcall OnObjectClick( TObject* Sender )
        // Do some click stuff

If this was Delphi, I would suggest the TCustomButton class with the is and as operators:

if (SrcButton is TButton) then
  (SrcButton as TButton).OnClick := OnButtonClick
else if (SrcButton is TBitButton)
  (SrcButton as TBitButton).OnClick := OnButtonClick;

C++ is simply too long ago

btw, didn't the VCL sometime include Actions to provide a single interface between buttons, menus, etc and invoked code?
