Transparent tile but colored icon for the Windows Store

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-05 11:22:33

Yes, "App tile icon" is used only on Windows Phone 8.1 or earlier and in practice for UWP apps medium tile is used to represent app in the Store. StoreLogo -- is actually a small icon and is used in relevant scenarios (like ones you already mentioned).

A possible workaround could be the following:

  • use solid-color background icon as default tile so that it will be used in the Store, and
  • update tile with another transparent image once application was launched (just don't set expiration date).

p.s. Some apps also use such approach to provide users choice whether they like to use branded color on tile or to use system accent color instead.

When I create an UWP app within Visual Studio, a unique file is made for the windows store logo: StoreLogo.png. Can't you just edit this file to be opaque?
