Semantic, cedet how to force parsing of source files

久未见 提交于 2019-12-05 08:29:48

After ignoring this problem for a long time I thought I should spend some quality time reading on elisp and try to figure out a work-around. It is not the prettiest elisp code there is, since I use elisp only for my emacs needs but it does what I need.

(defvar c-files-regex ".*\\.\\(c\\|cpp\\|h\\|hpp\\)"
  "A regular expression to match any c/c++ related files under a directory")

(defun my-semantic-parse-dir (root regex)
   This function is an attempt of mine to force semantic to
   parse all source files under a root directory. Arguments:
   -- root: The full path to the root directory
   -- regex: A regular expression against which to match all files in the directory
  (let (
        ;;make sure that root has a trailing slash and is a dir
        (root (file-name-as-directory root))
        (files (directory-files root t ))
    ;; remove current dir and parent dir from list
    (setq files (delete (format "%s." root) files))
    (setq files (delete (format "%s.." root) files))
    (while files
      (setq file (pop files))
      (if (not(file-accessible-directory-p file))
          ;;if it's a file that matches the regex we seek
          (progn (when (string-match-p regex file)
                 (semanticdb-file-table-object file))
          ;;else if it's a directory
          (my-semantic-parse-dir file regex)

(defun my-semantic-parse-current-dir (regex)
   Parses all files under the current directory matching regex
  (my-semantic-parse-dir (file-name-directory(buffer-file-name)) regex)

(defun lk-parse-curdir-c ()
   Parses all the c/c++ related files under the current directory
   and inputs their data into semantic
  (my-semantic-parse-current-dir c-files-regex)

(defun lk-parse-dir-c (dir)
  "Prompts the user for a directory and parses all c/c++ related files
   under the directory
  (interactive (list (read-directory-name "Provide the directory to search in:")))
  (my-semantic-parse-dir (expand-file-name dir) c-files-regex)

(provide 'lk-file-search)

To use it either call the function directly like so: (my-semantic-parse-dir "path/to/dir/root/" ".*regex") or press M-x lk-parse-curdir-c from a buffer to recursively scan all c/c++ related files from that buferr's visiting filename directory.

An alternate and perhaps preferrable way to call the function is by invoking lk-parse-dir-c interactively which in turn will prompt you for a directory to parse.

If any elisp guru has a better solution or suggestions to improve the code I would love to hear them.

I have implemented this for Python recently. It could be adopt for C/C++ with minor changes.

(defvar python-extention-list (list "py"))

(defun semanticdb-rescan-directory (pathname)
  (dolist (file (cddr (directory-files pathname t)))
    (if (file-directory-p file)
        (semanticdb-rescan-directory file)
      (when (member (file-name-extension file) python-extention-list)
        (message "Parsing %s file." file)
            (semanticdb-file-table-object file))))))

(defun semantic-python-rescan-includes ()
  (dolist (includes (semantic-python-get-system-include-path))
    (message "Parsing %s" includes)
    (semanticdb-rescan-directory includes)))

Try running the command "bovinate". This can be done with the key combination Meta + X and then typing "bovinate", and hitting the "Enter" key. The "Meta" key is referred to as the "Alt" key in windows.
