Using SimpleAdapter with Spinner

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-05 06:47:23

I'm about 95% sure that your to array should be declared as:

  int[] to = new int[] { };

Give that a try.

EDIT (based on comments below):

It seems there was a bug in older versions of AndroidOS which caused that IllegalStateException. (I didn't see the exception in 2.2, but I did see it in 1.5 in the emulator.) The bug can be worked around by adding a ViewBinder to the SimpleAdapter. ViewBinder isn't hard to implement; here's an example:

    SimpleAdapter.ViewBinder viewBinder = new SimpleAdapter.ViewBinder() {

        public boolean setViewValue(View view, Object data,
                String textRepresentation) {
            // We configured the SimpleAdapter to create TextViews (see
            // the 'to' array), so this cast should be safe:
            TextView textView = (TextView) view;
            return true;

I blogged about this here.
