Comparing pandas Series for equality when they contain nan?

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-05 05:19:01

How about this. First check the NaNs are in the same place (using isnull):

In [11]: s1.isnull()
0    False
1     True
dtype: bool

In [12]: s1.isnull() == s2.isnull()
0    True
1    True
dtype: bool

Then check the values which aren't NaN are equal (using notnull):

In [13]: s1[s1.notnull()]
0    1
dtype: float64

In [14]: s1[s1.notnull()] == s2[s2.notnull()]
0    True
dtype: bool

In order to be equal we need both to be True:

In [15]: (s1.isnull() == s2.isnull()).all() and (s1[s1.notnull()] == s2[s2.notnull()]).all()
Out[15]: True

You could also check name etc. if this wasn't sufficient.

If you want to raise if they are different, use assert_series_equal from pandas.util.testing:

In [21]: from pandas.util.testing import assert_series_equal

In [22]: assert_series_equal(s1, s2)

Currently one should just use series1.equals(series2) see docs. This also checks if nans are in the same positions.

In [16]: s1 = Series([1,np.nan])

In [17]: s2 = Series([1,np.nan])

In [18]: (s1.dropna()==s2.dropna()).all()
Out[18]: True