Execute MonadIO action inside of reactimate

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-05 05:18:50

How would you execute Arduino actions in reactimate?

I would cause them to be executed indirectly, by executing an IO action which has an observable side-effect. Then, inside withArduino, I would observe this side-effect and run the corresponding Arduino command.

Here's some example code. First, let's get the imports out of the way.

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.IORef
import Data.Word
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks
import Text.Printf

Since I do not have an arduino, I'll have to mock up a few methods from hArduino.

newtype Arduino a = Arduino (IO a)
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO)

newtype Pin = Pin Word8

pin :: Word8 -> Pin
pin = Pin

digitalWrite :: Pin -> Bool -> Arduino ()
digitalWrite (Pin n) v = Arduino $ do
    printf "Pretend pin %d on the arduino just got turned %s.\n"
           n (if v then "on" else "off")

digitalRead :: Pin -> Arduino Bool
digitalRead (Pin n) = Arduino $ do
    printf "We need to pretend we read a value from pin %d.\n" n
    putStrLn "Should we return True or False?"

withArduino :: Arduino () -> IO ()
withArduino (Arduino body) = do
    putStrLn "Pretend we're initializing the arduino."

In the rest of the code, I'll pretend that the Arduino and Pin types are opaque.

We'll need an event network to transform input events representing signals received from the arduino into output events describing what we want to send to the arduino. To keep things extremely simple, let's receive data from one pin and output the exact same data on another pin.

eventNetwork :: forall t. Event t Bool -> Event t Bool
eventNetwork = id

Next, let's connect our event network to the external world. When output events occur, I simply write the value into an IORef, which I'll be able to observe later.

main :: IO ()
main = do
    (inputPinAddHandler, fireInputPin) <- newAddHandler
    outputRef <- newIORef False

    let networkDescription :: forall t. Frameworks t => Moment t ()
        networkDescription = do
            -- input
            inputPinE <- fromAddHandler inputPinAddHandler

            -- output
            let outputPinE = eventNetwork inputPinE

            reactimate $ writeIORef outputRef <$> outputPinE
    network <- compile networkDescription
    actuate network

    withArduino $ do
      let inputPin  = pin 1
      let outputPin = pin 2

      -- initialize pins here...

      -- main loop
      loop inputPin outputPin fireInputPin outputRef

Note how reactimate and compile are only called once, outside the main loop. Those functions setup your event network, you do not want to call them on every loop.

Finally, we run the main loop.

loop :: Pin
     -> Pin
     -> (Bool -> IO ())
     -> IORef Bool
     -> Arduino ()
loop inputPin outputPin fireInputPin outputRef = do
    -- read the input from the arduino
    inputValue <- digitalRead inputPin

    -- send the input to the event network
    liftIO $ fireInputPin inputValue

    -- read the output from the event network
    outputValue <- liftIO $ readIORef outputRef

    -- send the output to the arduino
    digitalWrite outputPin outputValue

    loop inputPin outputPin fireInputPin outputRef

Note how we use liftIO to interact with the event network from inside an Arduino computation. We call fireInputPin to trigger an input event, the event network causes an output event to be triggered in response, and the writeIORef we gave to reactimate causes the output event's value to be written to the IORef. If the event network was more complicated and the input event did not trigger any output event, the contents of the IORef would remain unchanged. Regardless, we can observe that contents, and use it to determine which Arduino computation to run. In this case, we simply send the output value to a predetermined pin.

I have no experience with Arduino or hArduino, so take what follows with a pinch of salt.

Given that it is unreasonable to reinitialise the board on every reactimate, I don't think there is a clean option [*]. The fundamental issue is that the implementation of reactimate in reactive-banana doesn't know anything about the Arduino monad, and so all extra effects it adds must have been resolved by the time reactimate fires the action (thus the IO type). The only way out I can see is rolling your own version of withArduino that skips the initialisation. From a quick glance at the source, that looks feasible, if very messy.

[*] Or at least a clean option not involving mutable state, as in the proper answers.

Given that Heinrich Apfelmus kindly augmented this answer by proposing an interesting way out, I couldn't help but implement his suggestion. Credit also goes to gelisam, as the scaffolding of his answer saved me quite a bit of time. Beyond the notes below the code block, see Heinrich's blog for extra commentary on the "forklift".

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

import Control.Monad (join, (<=<), forever)
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Word
import Text.Printf
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks

main :: IO ()
main = do
    let inputPin  = pin 1
        outputPin = pin 2

        readInputPin = digitalRead inputPin
        copyPin = digitalWrite outputPin =<< readInputPin

    ard <- newForkLift withArduino

    (lineAddHandler, fireLine) <- newAddHandler

    let networkDescription :: forall t. Frameworks t => Moment t ()
        networkDescription = do
            eLine <- fromAddHandler lineAddHandler

            let eCopyPin = copyPin <$ filterE ("c" ==) eLine
                eReadInputPin = readInputPin <$ filterE ("i" ==) eLine

            reactimate $ (printf "Input pin is on? %s\n" . show <=< carry ard)
                <$> eReadInputPin
            reactimate $ carry ard
                <$> eCopyPin

    actuate =<< compile networkDescription

    initialised <- newQSem 0
    carry ard $ liftIO (signalQSem initialised)
    waitQSem initialised

    forever $ do
        putStrLn "Enter c to copy, i to read input pin."
        fireLine =<< getLine

-- Heinrich's forklift.

data ForkLift m = ForkLift { requests :: Chan (m ()) }

newForkLift :: MonadIO m
            => (m () -> IO ()) -> IO (ForkLift m)
newForkLift unlift = do
    channel <- newChan
    let loop = forever . join . liftIO $ readChan channel
    forkIO $ unlift loop
    return $ ForkLift channel

carry :: MonadIO m => ForkLift m -> m a -> IO a
carry forklift act = do
    ref <- newEmptyMVar
    writeChan (requests forklift) $ do
        liftIO . putMVar ref =<< act
    takeMVar ref

-- Mock-up lifted from gelisam's answer.
-- Please pretend that Arduino is abstract.

newtype Arduino a = Arduino { unArduino :: IO a }
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO)

newtype Pin = Pin Word8

pin :: Word8 -> Pin
pin = Pin

digitalWrite :: Pin -> Bool -> Arduino ()
digitalWrite (Pin n) v = Arduino $ do
    printf "Pretend pin %d on the arduino just got turned %s.\n"
           n (if v then "on" else "off")

digitalRead :: Pin -> Arduino Bool
digitalRead p@(Pin n) = Arduino $ do
    printf "We need to pretend we read a value from pin %d.\n" n
    putStrLn "Should we return True or False?"
    line <- getLine
    case readMaybe line of
        Just v -> return v
        Nothing -> do
            putStrLn "Bad read, retrying..."
            unArduino $ digitalRead p

withArduino :: Arduino () -> IO ()
withArduino (Arduino body) = do
    putStrLn "Pretend we're initializing the arduino."


  • The forklift (here, ard) runs an Arduino loop in a separate thread. carry allows us to send Arduino commands such as readInputPin and copyPin to be executed in this thread via a Chan (Arduino ()).

  • It is just a name, but in any case the argument to newForkLift being called unlift nicely mirrors the discussion above.

  • The communication is bidirectional. carry crafts MVars that give us access to values returned by the Arduino commands. That allows us to use events like eReadInputPin in an entirely natural way.

  • The layers are cleanly separated. On the one hand, the main loop only fires UI events like eLine, which are then processed by the event network. On the other hand, the Arduino code only communicates with the event network and the main loop through the forklift.

  • Why did I put a sempahore in there? I will let you guess what happens if you take it off...
