SpriteKit: performance hit while preloading SKTextureAtlas

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-05 03:02:21

There are issues plaguing SKTextureAtlas (Apple Dev forums post).

Try creating your texture atlas using the SKTextureAtlas:withDictionary: supplying a dictionary of [String:UIImage], a method described on another StackOverflow post and see if that helps.

UPDATE: If you want that preload of the SKTexture to happen in a background thread, I'd write that specifically rather than relying on the preload convenience function.

let atlas: SKTextureAtlas
let myImages: [String: UIImage] = getImages()
let globalQueue = DispatchQueue.global()
globalQueue.async {
    let atlas = SKTextureAtlas(withDictionary:myImages)
    for (k,v) in myImages {
        let tex = atlas.textureNamed(k)
        print(tex.size()) // force load
    DispatchQueue.main.async {

Regarding app slicing, as long as you place assets in Asset catalogs they should be sliced. After you upload a build to iTunesConnect you can see a report of the App Store sizes reflecting this.

I have a video I recorded of a live stream where I show this import process. Sorry its a bit agonisingly long (2hrs+), but the link here goes right to the moment where the import into the sprite sheet happens.


Doing it the way I show here you get a sprite atlas, with sliced images. My scripts (which I demonstrate earlier in the clip) are on my GitHub if you want them.
