How reliable is HTTP_HOST?

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-05 02:41:48

HTTP_HOST is for the Host: header sent by HTTP 1.1 user-agents during the request. This is not used by HTTP 1.0 clients, so it won't appear then. However, nowadays, I don't think there are still many HTTP 1.0 clients.

Pekka supports GoFundMonica

Edit: I stand corrected: The HOST header is not present in HTTP 1.0 requests. See @Bruno's answer. Leaving mine in place because of the security considerations

The only issues with HTTP_HOST that I'm aware of are security issues, not compatibility ones.

The security issues stem from the fact that HTTP_HOST is sent by the user. If the web server is incorrectly set up and/or buggy, arbitrary HTTP_HOST values could make it to your site/script (see e.g. here for detailed discussion). Your application needs to be prepared for that.

It's good never to trust HTTP_HOST (e.g. it can be a good idea to set up an array of allowed values for it before processing it in your PHP script):

  $allowed_hosts = array("", "", "");

  if (!in_array(strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]), $allowed_hosts))
   die ("Unknown host name ". $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]);

Pekka's answer seems more interesting, but it seems that you want to know which browsers support http 1.1 and which dont. Found this on google:

A note, from that thread: "a HTTP 1.0 browser cannot get to the non-default virtual host." That means that a browser that dont support http 1.1 cannot reach any website on a shared server as far as i know. Thare are LOTS of websites on shared hosts. Also subdomains might(no sure though) be "detected' in the same way, by using the HTTP_HOST var.

After reading these, i dont really think anyone uses a browser that old nowdays, it would be impossible for them to actually navigate the web:)


This is what I answered in a similar question :

Looking into this myself for other purposes:

"HTTP/1.0 is in use by proxies, some mobile clients, and IE when configured to use a proxy. So 1.0 appears to still account for a non- trivial % of traffic on the web overall. ... Yes, there are many 1.0 clients still out there."

Source (July 2009):


I am personally getting quite a few HTTP/1.0 requests on my sites with a missing HTTP_HOST :-(
