Use Jasmine to stub JS callbacks based on argument values

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-04 17:11:29

You should be able to use the callFake spy strategy. In jasmine 2.0 this would look like:

describe('methodUnderTest', function () {
  it("collects results from service_method", function() {
    window.service_method = jasmine.createSpy('service_method').and.callFake(function(argument1, argument2, callback) {
      callback([argument1, argument2]);

    arg1 = 1, arg2 = 'hi', other1 = 2, other2 = 'bye';
    expect(methodUnderTest()).toEqual([[1, 'hi'], [2, 'bye']]);

Where methodUnderTest returns the results array.

You can't stub it as is, because it's private an internal to the method.

You are testing the wrong thing here. methodUnderTest should be tested by ensuring that the results are properly handled. Ensuring that service_method executes it's callback with specific arguments is another test altogether and should be tested independently.

Now the spec for methodUnderTest can simply be about what happens AFTER that callback. Dont worry if the callbacks work, because you've already tested that elsewhere. Just worry about what the method does with the results of the callback.

Even if service_method is from a library or vendored code you don't directly control, this still applies. The rule of thumb is to test code YOU yourself write, and trust that other libraries follow the same rule.

As I'm not sure you're testing the right thing here, you can use a spy and call spy.argsForCall.

var Service = function () {

Service.service_method = function (callback) {

function methodUnderTest() {

    var result = [];
    var f = function(response) {result.push(response)};

    Service.service_method(arg1, arg2, f);

    Service.service_method(other1, other2, f);


in your test:

it('should test something', function () {
  spyOn(Service, 'service_method');
  var arg1 = Service.argsForCall[0][0];
  var arg2 = Service.argsForCall[0][1];
  var f = Service.argsForCall[0][2];
  if(arg1==condition1 && arg2==condition2){f(response1)}
