XACML for Spring Cloud

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-04 16:53:40

I don't know all the frameworks as much, so I cannot give an objective answer to which framework is most suitable. But I can give an answer for AuthzForce.

For the PDP part, you can use AuthzForce Core as Java library. The wiki gives information about Policy Providers and how to add your own to the framework if necessary. There is one mentioned there that gets policies from a MongoDB database. Note that if you want PDPs to use the same policies, a central storage is one solution, but another is to use replication/synchronization. For example, if you use the Policy Provider that supports getting policies on the local filesystem, a decentralized cluster synchronization tool like csync2 can do the job without a single point of failure.

Besides, you may be interested in AuthzForce Server which provides a multi-tenant REST API for both PDP and PAP (policy administration) in compliance with XACML REST profile (for the PDP part). It is probably overkill if you only need PDPs, but it may be worth looking at if your requirements go in that direction.

For the PEP part, you can reuse authzforce-ce-xacml-model (and dependencies) available on Maven Central (groupId=org.ow2.authzforce, artifactId=authzforce-ce-xacml-model) to manipulate the XACML Requests/Responses exchanged with your PDPs' REST API. This mostly contains all JAXB-annotated classes derived from the XACML schema, and Enums for standard XACML identifiers: categories, attributes, data types, etc.
