Loading an OBJ file, how to use normals (#vertices < #normals)

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-04 16:42:59

Shouldn't you have the following in your draw code instead?

glNormal3f(normals[it->norm_indices[0] -1 ].x, normals[it->norm_indices[0] -1 ].y, normals[it->norm_indices[0] -1 ].z);
glVertex3f(vectors[it->vert_indices[0] -1 ].x, vectors[it->vert_indices[0] -1 ].y, vectors[it->vert_indices[0] -1 ].z);
glNormal3f(normals[it->norm_indices[1] -1 ].x, normals[it->norm_indices[1] -1 ].y, normals[it->norm_indices[1] -1 ].z);
glVertex3f(vectors[it->vert_indices[1] -1 ].x, vectors[it->vert_indices[1] -1 ].y, vectors[it->vert_indices[1] -1 ].z);
glNormal3f(normals[it->norm_indices[2] -1 ].x, normals[it->norm_indices[2] -1 ].y, normals[it->norm_indices[2] -1 ].z);
glVertex3f(vectors[it->vert_indices[2] -1 ].x, vectors[it->vert_indices[2] -1 ].y, vectors[it->vert_indices[2] -1 ].z);

EDIT: oops, you realized that already

If you want to check if the normals are correct, color each vertex according to it's normal. Use glColor3f but supply the normals.

when you use erase it invalidates the iterator

//erase both of the "//"
it = line.erase(it);
it = line.erase(it);
//add a space between the numbers
it = line.insert(it, ' ');

however you can erase once and then replace

//erase both of the "//"
it = line.erase(it);
//add a space between the numbers
*it = ' ';