SSDP and interface IP address

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-04 14:28:53

getsockname(2) followed by getnameinfo(3) reports the IP address that your TCP/IP stack has assigned to the socket. (Obviously, this won't match what the client could use if server and client are on opposite sides of a NAT system; in that case, perhaps there is clever UPnP trickery to discover the IP address that the client could use to contact the server.)

I assume your server looks something like this:

lfd = socket();
ret = bind(lfd,...);
connection = listen(lfd, 10);
/* add connection to your select queue or poll queue */

You could append code similar to this:

struct sockaddr_storage me;
socklen_t *len = sizeof(me);
char name[40];
ret = getsockname(connection, &me, &len);
ret = getnameinfo(&me, &len, name, sizeof(name), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST);

getnameinfo(3) inspects the struct sockaddr_storage me for your IP address. Because these are generic interfaces, it'll work for IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.
