Writing Simulated Annealing algorithm for 0-1 knapsack in C#

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-04 13:45:35

With simulated annealing, you want to make neighbour states as close in energy as possible. If the neighbours have significantly greater energy, then it will just never jump to them without a very high temperature -- high enough that it will never make progress. On the other hand, if you can come up with heuristics that exploit lower-energy states, then exploit them.

For the TSP, this means swapping adjacent cities. For your problem, I'd suggest a conditional neighbour selection algorithm as follows:

  1. If there are objects that fit in the empty space, then it always puts the biggest one in.
  2. If no objects fit in the empty space, then pick an object to swap out -- but prefer to swap objects of similar sizes.

That is, objects have a probability inverse to the difference in their sizes. You might want to use something like roulette selection here, with the slice size being something like (1 / (size1 - size2)^2).

Ah, I think I found my answer on Wikipedia.. It suggests moving to a "neighbor" state, which usually implies changing as little as possible (like swapping two cities in a TSM problem)..

From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulated_annealing

"The neighbours of a state are new states of the problem that are produced after altering the given state in some particular way. For example, in the traveling salesman problem, each state is typically defined as a particular permutation of the cities to be visited. The neighbours of some particular permutation are the permutations that are produced for example by interchanging a pair of adjacent cities. The action taken to alter the solution in order to find neighbouring solutions is called "move" and different "moves" give different neighbours. These moves usually result in minimal alterations of the solution, as the previous example depicts, in order to help an algorithm to optimize the solution to the maximum extent and also to retain the already optimum parts of the solution and affect only the suboptimum parts. In the previous example, the parts of the solution are the parts of the tour."

So I believe my GetNextArrangement function would want to swap out a random item with an item unused in the set..
