nvEncRegisterResource() fails with -23

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-04 13:10:36

After comparing the NVidia sample NvEncoderCudaInterop with my minimal code, I finally found the item that makes the difference between success and failure: its the pitch parameter of the NV_ENC_REGISTER_RESOURCE structure passed to nvEncRegisterResource().

I haven't seen it documented anywhere, but there's a hard limit on that value, which I've determined experimentally to be at 2560. Anything above that will result in NV_ENC_ERR_RESOURCE_REGISTER_FAILED.

It does not appear to matter that the pitch I was passing was calculated by another API call, cuMemAllocPitch().

(Another thing that was missing from my code was "locking" and unlocking the CUDA context to the current thread via cuCtxPushCurrent() and cuCtxPopCurrent(). Done in the sample via a RAII class.)


I have worked around the problem by doing something for which I had another reason: using NV12 as input format for the encoder instead of YUV444.

With NV12, the pitch parameter drops below the 2560 limit because the byte size per row is equal to the width, so in my case 1920 bytes.

This was necessary (at the time) because my graphics card was a GTX 760 with a "Kepler" GPU, which (as I was initially unaware) only supports NV12 as input format for NVEnc. I have since upgraded to a GTX 970, but as I just found out, the 2560 limit is still there.

This makes me wonder just how exactly one is expected to use NVEnc with YUV444. The only possibility that comes to my mind is to use non-pitched memory, which seems bizarre. I'd appreciate comments from people who've actually used NVEnc with YUV444.


New information has surfaced in the form of another SO question: NVencs Output Bitstream is not readable

It is quite possible that my answer so far was wrong. It seems now that the pitch should not only be set when registering the CUDA resource, but also when actually sending it to the encoder via nvEncEncodePicture(). I cannot check this right now, but I will next time I work on that project.
