How to install aparapi

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-04 11:59:04

Note: I'm the current lead of the Aparapi project. If you use the version of Aparapi in maven central, no need to install anything. Assuming you have any implementation of OpenCL installed then everything is installed that needs to be. Aparapi pulls in dependencies through maven and even the dll/so file for your platform and loads it automatically.

Full instructions found here:

The actively maintained project for aparapi can be found on github here:

Or some information and documentation on the website here:

Aparapi is great

as you can write code on Java and run it on the GPU. It also has great features for buffer transfer between memory - GPU memory. We developed a cluster-computing bruteforce-engine with GPU acceleration:

To install it, make sure you update your graphics card drivers. You can download the OpenCL drivers from here:

If you have a recent version of Nvidia drivers and DirectX installed, you do not need to do anything. Just make sure you have the native libraries of your OS linked via java "-Djava.library.path=lib\aparapi_native" -jar myjar.jar when running.

Check out these guides to get started with coding:
