Why do I get a multiple definition error while linking?

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-04 07:49:35

The way you are building this, easylogger.h (and consequently easylogger-inl.h) gets included twice, once for modul1.h and once for main.cpp

Your usage of it is wrong. But you can do this to make it work:

In modul1.h (remove #include "easylogger.h") and make it look like this

#ifndef MODUL1_H
#define MODUL1_H

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
//#include "easylogger.h"

namespace easylogger { class Logger; };

class Modul1
        Modul1(std::string name);
        easylogger::Logger *log;

#endif // MODUL1_H

and for modul1.cpp, include the real thing

#include "modul1.h"
#include "easylogger.h"

Modul1::Modul1(std::string name):log(new easylogger::Logger(name))
    //std::ofstream *f = new std::ofstream(name.c_str(), std::ios_base::app);
    //LOG_DEBUG(*log, "ctor ende!");

Good luck!

You include "easylogger-impl.h" in both of your translation units. There are function definitions in easylogger-impl.h. Therefore, you have multiple definitions of your functions.

The one definition rule says that you must have one, and only one, definition of any object or function.

You may solve this problem either by marking all of the easylogger-impl functions as inline, or by ensuring that they appear in only one translation unit.
