Tomcat gzip while chunked issue

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-04 06:41:23

Since the content length of a gzipped response is unpredictable and it's potentially expensive and slow to compress it fully in memory first, then calculate the length and then stream the gzipped response from memory, the average webserver will send them in chunks using Transfer-Encoding: chunked without a Content-Length header.

Since it's a homegrown HTTP client, it sounds like as if it doesn't handle chunked requests correctly. You have to determine the Transfer-Encoding response header and if it equals to chunked, then you have to parse it as a chunked stream.

You can learn from the aforementioned HTTP spec links and from Wikipedia how to parse a chunked stream. Each chunk consists of a header denoting the chunk length in hexadecimal, then a CRLF, then the actual chunk content, then a CRLF. This is repeated until a chunk with a header denoting the chunk length of 0. You need to ungzip the chunks separately and then glue them together.

To save all the tedious coding work (likely also for the remnant of your homegrown HTTP client), I strongly recommend to have a look at Apache HttpComponents Client.
