Resolve Windows drive letter to a path (subst and network)

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-04 06:14:51
Remy Lebeau

Yes, you would need to resolve the drive letter independently.

WNetGetUniversalName() comes close, but only works for drive letters that are mapped to actual UNC shares, which is not always the case. There is no single API function that does all of the work for you.

Here is a batch to translate drive letters to UNC paths or reverse substed paths. Not guaranteed it works though.

Example of use: script.cmd echo Z: Y: W:

@echo off
:: u is a variable containing all arguments of the current command line
set u=%*

:: enabledelayedexpansion: exclamation marks behave like percentage signs and enable
:: setting variables inside a loop
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

:: parsing result of command subst
:: format:  I: => C:\foo\bar
:: variable %G will contain I: and variable H will contain C:\foo\bar
for /f "tokens=1* delims==> " %%G IN ('subst') do (
set drive=%%G
:: removing extra space
set drive=!drive:~0,2!
:: expanding H to a short path in order not to break the resulting command line
set subst=%%~sfH
:: replacing command line.
call set u=%%u:!drive!=!subst!%%

:: parsing result of command net use | findstr \\ ; this command is not easily tokenized because not always well-formatted
:: testing whether token 2 is a drive letter or a network path.
for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims= " %%G IN ('net use ^| findstr \\') do (
set tok2=%%H
if "!tok2:~0,2!" == "\\" (
  set drive=%%G
  set subst=%%H
) else (
  set drive=%%H
  set subst=%%I
:: replacing command line.
call set u=%%u:!drive!=!subst!%%

call !u!