How to tell CPAN about path to make and cc

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-04 04:57:05

cpan doesn't need to know where gcc or equivalent is, because it isn't cpan's job to call it directly. Usually it's Makefile.PL or Build.PL that needs to know that, and it usually will accept the compiler to use as a command line argument. If you add PERLMAINCC=/compiler/to/use to o conf makepl_arg that should do it.

Extensions need to be built with the same tools as Perl itself, and Perl remembers what those tools are.

If you have since deleted or moved them, that could be a problem.

But more likely, you haven't installed the package(s) from your distro that provides them. Install the missing packages.

Lawrence I. Siden

In cpan_home/CPAN/ (or via o conf):

'make_arg' => q[CC=/path/to/c-compiler]