Change TFS source control mapping in Visual Studio 2013

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-04 02:43:10
Jim Aho

Not sure if this works if you're offline, but you can remove the mapping by opening the Manage Workspaces area in Source Control Explorer (click on the ... option of the dropdown to the right of Workspace:)

Manage Workspaces -> Select your workspace -> Edit -> Remove or change your mapping.

It's probably easiest to remove the mappings using the commandline

tf workspaces /remove workspacename;owner /collection:http://urlto.old:8080/tfs/ProjectCollection

After removing the old workspace configuration for the current folder and mapping the folder to your new subscription, Visual Studio should prompt you to automatically update the solution bindings to the new server.

This will not delete your workspace from the server (which keeps track of the workspaces), but since you no longer have access to it, it should be enough to let your client forget the folder is mapped.

The answers here work when the old TFS server is available. Mine wasn't but has not been removed from the server list in VS. Removing that entry allowed me to remove the solution from source control entirely along with the mapping and add it to another source control server.
